Are you facing dermatitis on the hands?
Since this is a common skin condition, most people today face it. However, what’s worse than facing such skin problems is that you can’t easily treat them or figure out a skincare ritual to limit the symptom of hand dermatitis.
But wait, the complication and struggle you face with such skin conditions, having a whole skincare ritual and proper medication plan I highly important too, right?
So even if this sounds a little extra, there’ a great chance that you may end up limiting dermatitis on hands symptoms or simply treat it over time, just by following important precautionary and treatment measures. Now don’t worry if you aren’t well aware of any such treatment method or the right skincare routine, as we’re here to help you figure that out.
So without further ado, let’s just go ahead and discover everything you need to know about such skin issues and methods of treating them properly!
Hand Dermatitis:
For anyone unfamiliar with this term, hand dermatitis can also be termed as hand eczema, which is most commonly found in one out of every 20 people in our surroundings. Since it’s common, this doesn’t mean that it can be transferred from one person to another. Instead, many people face such skin problems from their childhood. It starts as an in-built tendency of eczema inside our body, which continues until our teenage or adult age. Moreover, whether this skin problem has been growing in an individual since childhood or not, teenagers and adults are most common to face it.
Now the best or worst part about this skin condition is that it can be a temporary and short-lived dermatitis on hand condition or otherwise last for years while affecting an individual’s life badly.
Moreover, this skin condition is commonly found in people that either face eczema from their childhood or otherwise, work in a place where they have frequent contact with water, i.e. do any wet work.
The Causes:
Even though what we’ve discussed above clears a lot of the doubt on why every other person is commonly found facing dermatitis on the hand frequently.
But when it comes to finding its cure, it’s better to understand why one face this skin issue in the first place.
If you aren’t familiar with the reason, you can consider most hand dermatitis patients to face it due to the direct damage to the skin. Harsh chemicals and irritants may cause this, including; soap, detergents, and other chemical-based products. Moreover, if you have an allergy to substances like perfume, metal, leather, or rubber, even then, you are certain to face hand dermatitis when your skin gets in contact with such allergens. Yet, even with all these obvious reasons, some of the dermatitis patients also face this issue due to unknown and unidentifiable triggers.
The Treatment:
Even though there are plenty of hand dermatitis cases that can’t be completely cured. But whether it’s a short-lived skin condition or a prolonged one, you can always follow specific early identification and treatment methods to avoid the most irritating and unbearable hand dermatitis issue. This way, you might either treat your dermatitis on hand or otherwise limit its symptoms as long as it stays.
● Avoiding Allergens:
Suppose you have allergic contact dermatitis caused by coming in contact with a product that you face allergy through. In that case, you can limit your symptom or overcome such skin problems by avoiding such allergens. This may help either cure or clear the symptoms of dermatitis on your hands, helping you to better secures your skin.
● Using Moisturizers:
Moisturizing your skin is one of the most important and highly necessary parts of treating dermatitis on the hands and other skin conditions too. Now since dermatitis on the hands can be exceeded if your skin is dry, i.e., making the itching and uncomfortable feeling unbearable; so it’s highly effective to keep your skin moisturized instead. Moreover, this also helps repair your hand’s outer damaged skin or other body parts; while locking the moisture that makes it soft and smooth again. Also, you face the least risk of secondary bacterial infections.
All you have to do is make urea you apply the moisturizer to your skin repeatedly in a day. Whenever you feel like your skin is starting to get dry, try applying the moisturizer intently. Additionally, when you use moisturizers as soap substitutes, even then, you can prevent drying or damaging your skin while cleaning it effectively. So it’s better to avoid liquid soap and bar soap can and instead use cleaning moisturizers.
● Using Steroid Creams and Ointments:
These are the two most commonly prescribed treatments for patients that face dermatitis on the hands. They work effectively in relieving the symptoms of dermatitis and making your inflamed skin calm. However, you might want to look for a stronger steroid since a mild one doesn’t effectively work on thick skin. Once you get the right steroid prescribed by your doctor, you can apply it twice a day on your hand. Yet, make sure you don’t overuse these products, as it can cause skin thinning.
● Using Calcineurin inhibitors:
These creams and ointments are used in place of steroids, helping in the treatment of dermatitis. The difference with these creams is that they may work less or show effect after multiple usages, but they don’t risk skin thinning. Instead, using these ointments may cause the patient to face a burning or tingling feeling (after the application), but there’s no other risk coming from thee creams and their frequent usage.
● UV Therapy:
Other than the previous treatment method, this ultraviolet therapy is not something you can perform at home. Instead, it is a hospital-based treatment, which might be needed if dermatitis on hand I getting severe. This UV therapy revolves around a time-frame of six weeks, where you have to visit the hospital twice or thrice every week.
● Using steroid Tablets:
If your doctor prescribes you with a steroid tablet, then you can also use these as a reliable and effective treatment option for serving dermatitis on the hands. This is effective and helpful only if you decrease the dose after a few weeks of usage since long-term usage can cause harmful and longer-lasting side effects.
● Opting for Alitretinoin:
This treatment is based on the usage of Vitamin A. However, it isn’t needed in short-lived hand dermatitis. Instead, specialists can prescribe Alitretinoin if you face severe and longer-lasting dermatitis on hands. Moreover, this treatment process lasts for 6 months, but its side effects can be very harmful. Therefore, it’s important to take this treatment properly, as prescribed by the specialists.
● Trying Systemic Immunosuppressants:
This is also a highly powerful treatment method, which is prescribed by specialists in case of severe hand dermatitis. In this treatment, medications like azathioprine, ciclosporin, and methotrexate are used.
Now, this treatment is usually the last option for helping patients with dermatitis on hand, as it is used when other treatments have failed to show effective results. Additionally, since strong tablets are used in this treatment; it isn’t suitable for every other dermatitis patient. Therefore, patients consuming Systemic immunosuppressant’s should have a daily blood test.
● Preventing Method:
Suppose you are someone who often faces allergies and dermatitis in hand by coming in contact with different allergens. In that case, it’s time you practice the faceecessary measures to avoid facing this kind of skin condition in the future. To do this, you can follow precautionary measures like:
Using protective gloves: whether you’re at work or home, wearing a protective glove before coming in contact with harmful chemicals or water can help prevent dermatitis on hand. If your work is prolonged, then go for plain cotton or cotton-lined gloves. Other than that, you can also choose a glove made up of rubber, PVC, nitrile, etc. other than that, make sure that the gloves you wear are clean, dry, and not broken.
When preparing food or washing hair and other home surfaces, you can also keep a box of nitrile gloves in your kitchen/bathroom. This will help you remember that you need to wear gloves at all times.
In case you can’t always wear gloves while performing such tasks, it’s also effective to use a barrier cream on your hand before touching irritants. After this, once your work is done, you can wash hand with a suitable soap substitute, and then pat dry and moisturize your hands.
Did you Know?
That any job that involves coming in contact with water and hand washing more than 10 times a day can make the worker face a greater chance of being affected with dermatitis on hands. This may include cleaner, caretaker, chefs, hairdressers, mechanics, chefs, etc.
Any job that involves repeated contact with water or washing hands more than 10 times a day (‘wet work’) has an increased chance of causing hand dermatitis.
Now that we know every detail on dealing with dermatitis on hands, isn’t it time to move on to a final and reliable solution to deal with this issue? Don’t get it?
Well, we’re talking about using the right products that can not only avoid irritation on your hands with this skin condition, but instead, it can also help limit the symptoms of dermatitis on your hands.
Don’t worry if you’re not aware of any such helpful and reliable product, as we’ve got you covered with the best suggestion, i.e. frangipani hand scrub.
With the natural and effective properties and ingredients in our frangipani hand scrub, you are sure to limit the irritation caused by dermatitis on your hands.
Moreover, if you’re looking for an affordable product, then the frangipani pack is also a highly reliable and pocket-friendly product to deal with your dermatitis.
Now with both highly efficient dermatitis treating products available to serve, there’s hardly anything you need to worry about! So go ahead, and grab your stock!