Treatment Of Contact Dermatitis


Are you someone facing contact dermatitis on your skin, and you just can’t figure out the right treatment or skincare ritual for your skin? Of course, it can be a struggle to handle such intolerable skin problems while practicing the right method to limit its effects. However, if you follow the right precautionary measures and use the right treatment of contact dermatitis, then you can surely see a positive change in your contact dermatitis condition. 

Now to help you out on that, let’s discuss everything you need to know about such skin problems below in detail!

What is Contact Dermatitis?

For anyone unfamiliar with what’s happening with their skin or unknown to what is contact dermatitis, you can consider it a condition that occurs when different substances react to your skin. This reaction ends up, resulting in an itchy, red, and inflammation feeling on your skin. 

In terms of treating this skin condition before or after it has exceeded, one has to follow a proper skincare ritual and specific prescribed medications. However, make sure that you only use medications that are prescribed by your doctor. Also, when you face contact dermatitis, the first thing to do is to figure out the substance that has caused this skin condition and ensure that you are avoiding interaction with that irritant or allergen. 

How to Avoid Facing Contact Dermatitis?

Before you end up facing contact dermatitis and start its treatment, it’s important to tenure that you follow precautionary measures to avoid it. For this, you need to follow a ritual of washing your skin every time you are exposed to something that causes your skin to face dermatitis. To do this, you don’t have to use any specific product; washing with soap and water would also be enough. Other than that, you can also prevent the development of this rash by washing the skin within the time for 15 minutes (after you encounter the allergen). 

Tip: while you wash your skin after coming in contact with the poison ivy, make sure that you remove the plant/irritants oil off from your skin and clothe. This will prevent your skin from facing any reaction.


It’s Treatment: 

Other than using prescribed medications and home remedies, you can also treat contact dermatitis on your skin by following specific treatment methods. Now, these treatment methods depend upon the causes and symptoms of dermatitis. For a clearer idea, you can follow treatment methods, including:

●     Application:

Applying corticosteroid creams, gels, or ointments and certain creams or ointments that can help affect your immune system. You need to apply these creams to the affected area on your skin. 

●     Phototherapy:

You can also expose your skin’s affected area in front of the controlled (specific) quantity of natural or artificial phototherapy lights. 

●     Pill or Injections:

You can also use oral pills of corticosteroids or injections of dupilumab if the severity of the skin condition increases.

Home Remedies and Treatments:

Even though helpful measures and medications are an important part of contact dermatitis treatment, it’s also important to perform specific home treatments and remedies. This way, with the help of reliable and impactful home remedies, you can easily treat this condition. Moreover, even if you have a simple rash on your skin and the skin problem hasn’t worsened yet, the below-mentioned home treatment can help cure the rash too. 

●     Applying Cool Cloth: 

To soothe your skin during the rash skin condition, you need to apply a cool and damp cloth on your skin’s affected area. This way, you can control inflammation and itching issues on your skin easily. Moreover, if you soak the cloth inside a saline or Burow’s solution, you can gain relief that is more advanced on your skin. 

●     Cleaning the Area:

As mentioned above, in the ways to avoid facing contact dermatitis, you need to ensure that your skin is clean after coming in contact with any irritating substance. Hence, if you are facing a rash after getting in touch with any harmful irritant, then you need to wash your skin instantly. However, if you are unaware of what irritated your skin, it’s better to take a full-body bath to reduce the lingering feeling on your skin. 

●     Using OTC Ointments:

In this home remedy, you can use anti-itch creams containing aloe Vera or calendula. Since these ingredients are natural anti-inflammatory agents, creams consisting of these ingredients can help reduce itching and inflammation on your skin. Also, make sure that you only use such creams that are highly reliable and effective, i.e., branded ones.

●     Using Allergy Medications:

Over the counter or store-bought allergy medications are also very helpful in the treatment of contact dermatitis. This is highly beneficial if you face frequent allergies to contact dermatitis due to your minor allergies. However, make sure that you are prescribed such allergy medications; and don’t use random ones on your own. 

●     Tasking Lukewarm Baths:

If you take a proper bath with different solutions like medicated solutions or uncooked oatmeal, you can see clear results. Tasking baths with these solutions in lukewarm water can be highly effective in treating dermatitis, especially for young children. Moreover, you can also add baking soda inside the lukewarm water to better relieve dermatitis symptoms. 

Tip: make sure that you only take a bath with lukewarm water, not hot or cold. 

●     No More Scratching:

Even though you can feel itchy or uncomfortable while facing dermatitis, it’s highly important to avoid itching on the affected area of your skin. This is important because scratching can aggravate the area and make it worsen. 

Now to ensure that you don’t scratch the area, you can cover it with a soft cloth or bandage. This way, even if you can’t resist itching, you won’t be masking the skin condition worse.

●     Moisturizing the Skin:

When dealing with contact dermatitis, it’s highly important to use a gentle, hypoallergenic, fragrance-free, and high oil content moisturizer. This can be helpful in both masking your skin smooth while also treating dermatitis condition. Moreover, it can help protect your skin’s outer layer and relieving you from itching on it. 

Additionally, with the usage of lotion on your skin, you can add a protective barrier to keep your skin safe from irritation and cracking; while keeping it less susceptible to excessive heat or cold conditions. 

U can use our Tamanu butter skin rejuvenating cream is best for skin moisturizing You can use our Tamanu butter skin rejuvenating cream. This is the best moisturizer for your skin.

treatment of contact dermatitis

●     Using Medicated Shampoos:

Similar to the need to use OTC creams and itch relieving lotions, it’s also very helpful to use medicated shampoos on your skin. This will help lessen the effects of dermatitis on your scalp. Also, if you have a dandruff issue, then you can choose OTC shampoos that consist of selenium sulfide, zinc pyrithione, coal tar, or ketoconazole.

●     Wearing Cotton Clothes:

Since dermatitis makes you face a lot of itching or situation issues, it’s important to relieve yourself from feeling more uncomfortable by wearing soft and smooth clothing. This mainly refers to wearing smooth-textured cotton clothing that can help reduce irritation in the skin’s affected area. 

Moreover, you should also avoid wearing wool as this material can flare itching issues after you remove it from the direct touch with your skin. 

●     Choose the Right Detergent:

Other than just wearing the right material of clothes, it’s also equally important to wash your clothes in the right laundry detergent to reduce irritation on your skin. What makes this important is the direct touch of your clothes, sheets, and towels with your affected skin. Hence, choose only mild and unscented laundry products while washing your clothes. 

●     Limit Stress:

Similar to how stress can cause plenty of other skin and physical issues, contact dermatitis is another one on that list. In other words, an increase in emotional stress can flare up specific types and symptoms of contact dermatitis. Hence, while you are facing such skin problems, make sure that you practice stress management exercises and techniques. 

Did you Know?

That using a gentle, hypo-allergic, and fragrance-free moisturizer on your skin can help soothe and prevent the symptom of contact dermatitis. This is possible because moisturizing restores and protects your skin’s outer layer while helping you face lesser itching. 


Now that we’ve discussed everything about treating contact dermatitis, you might want to start with the treatment methods, right? But wait, are you well prepared with all the contact dermatitis products that you’ll need to help prevent the symptoms? Okay, treatment and symptoms preventing methods are a great way to help handle the situation, but you can’t do it all alone. What we’re talking about is the right and effective product that helps in treating contact dermatitis; while limiting its symptoms.

One such highly effective product is our 60ML Tamanu Oil that serves splendidly in treating dermatitis on the face. Since this Tamanu Oil comes with reliable properties like anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory, etc., you can rely on it for usage on extremely sensitive skin too. Now, this sounds like something you can trust for your treatment of contact dermatitis, right?

 Well then, what’s the wait for? Go ahead, grab our Tamanu Oil bottle, and make use of it while following other treatment methods to effectively reduce the dermatitis symptoms. Good luck!

contact dermatitis